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2017-01-27 08:56
Natural ways to whiten your teeth
Natural ways to whiten your teeth

dentist "Richard Marquez reveal," the most important tips to keep your teeth pearly white in a natural way without causing damage to the teeth, and include:

*. Using baking soda "Alcarbonato"
Used by mixing a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with water and apply it to the teeth with brushing teeth vigorously brush your teeth, and will make them look whiter gradually over time.

*-eating strawberries
Strawberries are considered natural teeth whitener is due to containing "malic acid", a natural antiseptic.

*-warm salty water
It is used by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a cup of boiling water and then keep it to cool down a little bit and use it as a mouthwash.

*-eating white foods
To help keep your teeth pearly white, you should eat chicken, rice and fish,with avoiding pigmented foods such as beets, blueberries, carrots and turmeric.

*-eating apples
Apple is one of the best natural foods to cleanse the teeth, due to it contains "malic acid".

*-drinking milk
Calcium in milk helps strengthen tooth enamel and structure as well as the jaw bone.


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