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2017-01-31 11:11
Tips for a successful diet program
Tips for a successful diet program

d. Ashraf Abdel-Aziz, a professor of nutrition at the Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University Confirms that the owners of the extra weight they have to work to lose weight properly so that it will be useful, and achieve the desired results, so you must consider the 7 tips when planning a program to educate diet, namely:

1. identify the appropriate weight of the person using the standard tables or with the help of a specialist.
2. Dealing with balanced diet program suitable to the needs of the person depending on age, sex and work.
3. exercise such as walking or swimming three times a week at least, and for a period ranging from a half hour to an hour.
4. eat more foods rich in dietary fiber as vegetables, fruits, wheat, whole grains, these foods in addition to a few calories they need longer to digest and give a sense of satiety.
5. Eat three small meals or more a day instead of eating two meals or one large meal.
6. Reduce eating fatty foods and use different types of fats in cooking
7. Reduce eating foods that contain added sugars such as sweets and chocolate, canned jams, soft drinks and other fruit .


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