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2017-01-23 10:20
Useful nutritious foods for patients with liver disease
Useful nutritious foods for patients with liver disease

Dr. Ashraf Abdel-Aziz, a professor of nutrition at the Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University, liver patients are advised to be careful to include some of the following food cuisine that scientific research has proved its effectiveness in improving liver function, there are 6 nutritious foods:

*. artichoke, which helps in reducing the level of fat and cholesterol in the blood by stimulating the liver function and detoxification.

*. Garlic is an antibiotic, and anti-viral and anti-bacterial, and therefore contribute to the protection of the liver, as it helps to detoxify harmful metallic materials such as mercury.

*. apples and pears, where have all the fruit of them on pectin and soluble fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and get rid of some stress, which affects the liver.

*. oats and grain as containing these nutrients on soluble fiber, which resemblance to the impact of pectin.

*. leafy vegetables and processed foods and whole grain transportation "of nuts," which is a good source of vitamin B and folate used in the case of whether the liver stressful

*.Carrots have a high impact on improving liver function as the epitome Carrots helped the activity of several enzymes, which would accelerate the liver cleanse and recovery.


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